Andra Ursuta

"Canopic Jerrycan"

"Liquid Doughnut", detail

"Impersonal Growth"

"Predators'r Us"

"Phantom Mass", detail

"Grand Odalisque"

"Liquid Donut"

"Grand Obelisque"

"Yoga Don't Help"

"Canopic Demijohn"

"Succubustin Loose", detail

"Predators 'R Us"

"Succubustin Loose"


"Habit Hole", detail

Venice Biennale, installation

"Terminal Figure", detail

Installation, Ramiken, Brooklyn
We’ve been working with Andra Ursuta on her intricate, vivid sculptures since the beginning of 2018. Some of the works pictured here were exhibited at the 2019 and the 2022 Venice Biennales. Others were made for her show Nobodies, at Ramiken in NYC, in 2019; and between 2020 and 2024, several exhibitions at David Zwirner in NYC, LA, Paris and London.